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Writer's pictureGaurangaSundarDasa

Replication As It Is

By HG Gauranga Sundar Dasa and Citra Devi Dasi (BIVS)

When it comes to DNA, replication is a fast but error-prone process. And to clone a certain gene, replication plays one of the most important roles. In modern scientific world, there are three types of cloning. Gene cloning creates copies of genes or parts of DNA. Another type of cloning is therapeutic cloning which creates embryonic stem cells and can give rise to different tissues and organs. Lastly, reproductive cloning which gives rise to embryonic stem cells. A popular example of reproductive cloning is that of the sheep ‘Dolly’. She was the first example of anything close to a successful mammal clone. It took professor Ian Wilmut 277 tries to get one successful cloned mammal. Following this, many animals have been tried for the cloning experiments. But this still eludes the perfection of cloning. Modern science can clone an individual but it remains to be superficial as the genetic information can come close to the parent’s genetic information but the individual will remain a separate entity much like the already present ‘clone’ system in the nature- a twin, who has no extraordinary connection with the other clone or parent entity.  But some thousand years back, this technique or rather the idea was developed by a Personality which gave the perfect clones of Himself to the world. The first ever successful cloning award does not go to Ian Wilmut but to Krishna who, when Lord Brahma stole the cowherd boys and calves, expanded into those many numbers of forms and played their part perfectly or even better. Krishna made clones of each and every cowherd boy and calf who was kidnapped and presented them in the same way as their original forms and no-one could fathom the situation any better. This is the beginning of the cloning experiments of the controller of the universe. Later in Dwarka, He makes clones of Himself and expands into 16,108 times as many as He had wives in that number of palaces. And earlier in Vrindavan for Rasa Lila, He had cloned Himself into 350 million times to dance and match with each Gopi so they think that Krishna is dancing with her alone. This is God. No one, not even Lord Siva or Lord Brahma can attain so many clones in the form of different expansions. What to think of yogis, who even with potent mystic powers cannot go beyond nine expansions indicating nine clones at a time. Krishna’s cloning transcends the norms of current technology as well as other successful yogis and demigods in the following ways.

Modern Science




Cannot clone perfectly, more like a twin or genetically identical offspring

Expands making clones

Expands making clones

Expands making clones

First successful try was after 277 tries, and success rate is still extremely low.

After severe austerities and penances, one can attain such mystic powers which can help make their clones

They receive powers from Krishna; powers are limited

Krishna expands immediately into perfect clones of Himself every time.

One clone to few clones per experiment

Can make up to 9 clones of themselves

No recorded history of demigods making multiple clones of themselves more than what yogis can achieve.

Can clone Himself and others unlimitedly.

New clone is a whole different entity

Like a television expansion, reflection of the original (cannot act differently)

Same as yogi (or more or less)

All clones can act differently according to Krishna’s will

No human clone has been created; chances are low in future.

Clone of themselves

Clone of themselves

Clone of anyone, Him or others

Different, separate consciousness and identity from the original form

Yogis can control the nine expansions but they are merely reflections (cannot act on their own).

Same as yogi

Can maintain all millions of clones as He desires them to be. Everyone of them is Krishna.

Can clone one organism into same organism (as the genetic information will be same)

Can clone themselves into their own forms or other forms

Can clone themselves into their own forms or other forms

Can clone Himself innumerably into different organisms. (Krishna expanded into calves).

Example: Dolly

Example: Saubhari Muni

Example: (N.A.)

Example: 1. Multiple clones of Krishna into cowherd boys and calves.

2. Into 16,108 clones of Himself in order to be with His 16,108 wives.

Table: List of differences between the cloning done by modern science, yogis, demigods and Krishna.

Krishna never left it to modern science to perform experiments and show miracles. The enlisted list of differences goes on to show the contrast between the cloning of a mundane scientist and that of a real scientist, Krishna. The original Scientist always leads from the front and produces result which no group of big scientists can achieve. And thus, the True Scientist makes His mark.

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Honey Janu
Honey Janu
05 juin
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Jaya Prabhupada Jaya Prabhupada🙏🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️


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Hare Krishna ❤️🙌


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Jayy Srila Prabhupada🙏🏻😍

Jaiii GSD Gurudev🙏🏻😍

Wonderful article!


10 mai
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Absolutely Beautiful Explanation

Hare Krishna


Jaiiiiiiii 🫀🙏🏻🥺

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