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"Brahmacharyena Tapasa Deva Mrityumupagnata”

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The Chandogya Upanishad says, “Only those who (observe) brahmacharya will attain to Brahman (Supreme Reality). For them there is freedom to act as they wish in all the worlds. Now, what people call yajna (sacrifice) that is really brahmacharya. What people call worship (Ishta), that is really brahmacharya. What people call Vedic sacrifice that is really brahmacharya. For only through brahmacharya does one understand the Atman (the Self). (8.4.3, 8.5.1-2)209:23 AM


Brahmacarya, or celibate student life, is the first spiritual stage (asrama) in the varnasrama system. It lasts from 5th to 25th year of of one's life and during this time the brahmacari lives with his spiritual master and learns the theory and practice of the Vedic life recorded in the revealed scriptures. 
After this time he is allowed to marry and enter the stage of householder life (grhastha asrama). Some brahmacaris, however, remain celibate the whole life.
Brahmacarya is defined as an abstention from the sexual gratification on the level of body, words and mind. This rule applies also to vanaprasthas and sannyasis.
There are 4 types of brahmacaris: (Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, ch.87, Prayers by the Personified Vedas, pp 407-408)
1. Savitra: After initiation and the sacred thread ceremony must observe at least three days of celibacy.
2. Prajapatya: Strictly observes celibacy for at least one year after initiation.
3. Brahma-brahmacari: Observes celibacy from the time of initiation up to the time of the completion of his study of the Vedic literature.
4. Naisthika: Remains celibate throughout his whole life. 
The first 3 classes are called upakurvana, which means that the brahmacari can marry later, after the brahmacari period is over.
"There are two-fold conditions in all asramas. Brahmacari becomes upakurvana or naisthika. Naisthika is eager to realize Brahman. "After studying the Vedas if he becomes householder he is called upakurvana. The naisthika remains brahmacari till death." (Garuda Purana 1.49.6-7)

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To join the KCS Brahmachari Ashrama, devotees are required to complete a six-month course. This program teaches new bhaktas the philosophy and practice of Krishna consciousness through the books of Srila Prabhupada such as Bhagavad Gita, Isopanishad, Nectar of Instructions and by engaging them in many services throughout the day. They dive deeper into sastric studies, and learn how to cook and how to distribute books.

New Bhaktas aspiring to join the Brahmachari Ashrama will have a test on Bhagavad Gita, Isopanishad, Nectar of Devotion, The nectar of Instruction. This training program not only assists them in their day-to-day services and life in the ashrama, but is also beneficial for when and if they eventually leave the ashrama. Once the two courses are completed, the devotee can then join the Brahmachari Ashrama and dedicate their whole life in the service of the Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada.

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